Meet Our Pastors


Pastor Alex & Holly Connell and Family

Alex Connell has been the pastor here at Bloomington First Church of the Nazarene since January 2021. Prior to serving in Bloomington, Alex served as Associate Pastor at Gloryland Church of the Nazarene in Carroll, Ohio; High Street Church of the Nazarene and Hillside Avenue Church of God, both in Springfield, Ohio; and Mundelein Church of the Nazarene in Mundelein, Illinois.

Alex is a graduate of Mount Vernon Nazarene University with a BA in Religion and is currently studying at Northern Seminary, seeking a MA in New Testament. Alex was ordained as an Elder in the Church of the Nazarene in 2011 on the Northwestern Ohio District.

Alex and his wife Holly were married in 2010 and have two children. Xavier is 12 years old and Eleanor is 4 years old. 

Alex loves baseball (Go Yankees!), games (both board games and video games), reading and food. His favorite restaurant in Bloomington is El Ranchero (or anywhere that serves mashed potatoes).

Pastor Alex and Holly are looking forward to meeting you!


Pastor Sherry Olson

Sherry Olson is the Pastor of Visitation and Hospitality. She is currently enrolled in the Nazarene Bible College working on the course of study for ordination as a deacon. Sherry has been a member of the Bloomington First Church of the Nazarene for the past 18 years and loves serving the family of God. 

Sherry is married to Alan Olson and has one surviving son, Kyle who with his wife Stephanie has blessed her and Alan with two grandsons. Sherry teaches Sunday School, participates in a bi-weekly nursing home service, conducts a weekly prayer meeting, plays in the worship team, and directs a choir that performs at local nursing homes.